Wednesday, October 6, 2010

被ebay suspended後 重開多個ID 要注意地方和心得

akos 係 發表有用被ebay suspended後 重開多個ID 要注意地方和心得

做全職ebayer應該都明白被ebay suspended account的慘痛經歷 都是家常便飯,我前前後後都差不多七,八個已suspended.現在重開ebay account 和paypal都係買美國account 繼續在ebay 賣野。現在四個account 都要在電腦建立四個不同user 佩合不同ebay ID List item .每個ebay ID 都是要不同 ip login (要經VPN).最好是經auctiva 或 inkfrog list item .開始login 前最用cclean 刪除所有cookie 和Clean Flash cookie.不然被link 一齊就全軍復沒.現在run 了半年都相安無事。

如果有同樣經歷的ebayer 請回應交流心得。


Unknown said...

hi Steve
You are the great gay , I remember that ebay made a promotion toyeast video about you.
I used to be a titan seller too .hold over 40,000 FB via 2 ebay account.. ( in 10 years )now all suspended without saying a word .
nowadays,I found that every hk & china ebay staff are the ebay sellers .So, you know why all l other public sellers been suspended even got 100% Feedback like me
the newest ID is cubicworks12310 , now restricted for selling.
hope can share something with you in the future

Steve Ng said...


Toyeast @ eBay